The Fuels and Lubricants Laboratory is located in building D, room D09c, has a surface of 44 square meters and can hold up to 20 students.
Responsible: Istvan BARABAS
The Fuels and Lubricants Laboratory is located in building D, room D09c, has a surface of 44 square meters and can hold up to 20 students.
The Laboratory serves the bachelor cycle and the masters cycle for the following specializations:
- Automotive Engineering - bachelor, Fuels and Lubricants
- Transport and Traffic Engineering - bachelor, Fuels, Lubricants and Special Materials
- Vehicle and Environment - masters, Biodegradable Materials, Ecological Fuels and Lubricants
The Fuels and Lubricants Laboratory has special instruments necesary for phisical and chemical properties of fuels and lubricants:
- SVM 3000 Viscosity and density
- FP 339 flaspoint temperature
- ZELTEX XL-101 octane/cetane number, ethanol content
- Superficial tension measuring device
- Fractional distillation device
- Vapor pressure measuring device
- Oxidation stability device
- Injection process evaluation workbench
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