Master in Science Curriculum
Master in Science Curriculum
Year One - Semester I (30 ECTS)
Internal Combustion Engine Electronic Management (4 ECTS)
Theory and Automatization of the Automotive Components I (4 ECTS)
Auxiliary Internal Combustion Engine Components (5 ECTS)
Communication BUS Architecture (4 ECTS)
Optional disciplines I (2 disciplines)
Manufacturing and production in automotive engineering (3 ECTS)
CAM engineering in manufacturing (3 ECTS)
Research Activity I (10 ECTS)
Year One - Semester II (30 ECTS)
Electric and Hybrid Powertrains (4 ECTS)
Internal combustion engine and transmission/Vehicle powertrain CAD/CAE (4 ECTS)
Theory and Automatization of the Automotive Components II (4 ECTS)
Vehicle dynamics (5 ECTS)
Optional disciplines II (2 disciplines)
Advanced materials in automotive engineering (3 ECTS)
Chemistry and materials of electric vehicle batteries (3 ECTS)
Research Activity II (10 ECTS)
Year Two - Semester III (30 ECTS)
Hardware and software in the loop (4 ECTS)
Thermal Management of Vehicle Powertrain (5 ECTS)
Vehicle Body Structures (6 ECTS)
Optional disciplines III (2 disciplines)
ADAS Testing (3 ECTS)
Basics of autonomus driving (3 ECTS)
Academic Ethics and Integrity (2 ECTS)
Research Activity III (8 ECTS)
Year Two - Semester IV (30 ECTS)
Practical Work in Research (10 ECTS)
Dissertation Work (10 ECTS)
Practice for dissertation (10 ECTS)
Dissertation Project Work (10 ECTS)
Graduation Level II Exam - Facultative (5 ECTS)